Any engineering organization demands an equally effective workforce partner, with the integrity and technical competence to ensure high performance from its engineering talent.

VIN DESIGN SOLUTIONS specializes in providing workforce solutions to the engineering industry and has been placing contract engineers with clients. We’ve built our technical team on the value of quality, developing our solutions to address the workforce challenges of the engineering community, across an array of specialized industries.

Technical Staffing:

Our engineering support group provides trained graduates and experienced engineers to our clients with a variety of skill sets in CAE, Product Design & Engineering.

VDS also provide MeshWorks trained engineers, who have an added skill set of morphing, parameterization and optimization using MeshWorks. In addition, we can also train engineers as per the client’s requirements.

We are a direct vendor to several Clients. We are experienced in providing engineering staffing in the field of Automotive, aerospace or defense, biomedical, oil and gas, shipping and heavy engineering.